Potential Harmful Thoughts

Rakesh kumar
5 min readDec 6, 2019

Thoughts lead to actions. actions lead to thoughts. moving on this analogy, there are countless phrases where we associate crude learnings into throwable phrases to be used in the popular culture. To me, these are windows of deep human understanding of how our brain psychology works in practical terms. They can lend some insightful learnings to any curious soul, for once he has to be curious enough to dig deeper. There are no definite truths, this I realized when I began to interact with people who don’t think like me, they don’t look like me and of course, they have different backgrounds in education and society. One is moving in a particular direction with all the available tools to counter any such problems, many times a recurring problem frustrates us because we haven’t updated our arsenal and the old ones have become redundant. So, to update, one needs to venture into the unknown, the unknown is dangerous but the results can be fruitful and have long term impact on the quality of life one leads. Because, whenever someone tries to change society by putting laws and asking others to behave properly, there is seldom any success — a little success may be achieved forcefully but that would be temporary and give rise to other problems in another dimension that you haven’t thought of. So, you have left closing taps and cupping the leakages because you didn’t reach the root/source of the epidemic/problem. This is widely prevalent in the bureaucracy, and if you happen to ask someone from the bureaucracy they, too, will blame the bureaucracy. To take another perspective here, think, who benefits the most from the current set of system, who does the bureaucracy originally serves — is it the common man, is it the ruling class, is it the political class, is it the crony capitalist class. Who, exactly is the largest beneficiary of the current set of administration? If you happen to find the answer, then you began the longest journey of your life because then you cannot escape asking questions(mostly, to the wrong audience). The testing phase of your actual determination begins because then you have been promoted into another layer of the bureaucracy setup. Think of the time when you reach to the core of the problem, and discover something grave and try to shed light on the matter, and do whatever you can to bring those things in the wide public eye. Is public eye/attention reaching to you? Are you able to get people’s attention towards this cause? No. You ask, why? Until the time you took on to reach there, people have moved on, they have been given another attention sucking clip to play with, a minuscule audience might remember you and reward you their attention but that would be only customary and quite momentary because they also have to engage with the current set of problems/issues and have to keep themselves relevant in the category of class they are targeting to make their living or whatever their purpose is. The discredit of your effort and the relevancy of the issue are two of the most potent weapons that bureaucracy keeps under their arsenal. They systemically outsmart you in your system which, for the time being, you thought was governed by you, or designed to serve you. There can be no greater travesty than this realisation. Most of us are drugged. We are drugged on various things which keeps us engaged, sucks up our consciousness, makes us look relevant, makes us look a worthy contributor. Their task is to make you lose your inner balance, the core compass, the morality scale, the rational tree and all the other things that you thought were an ingrained part of your mental well being. Once you lose that, there is nothing they need to do except to tell you that you are alright and you were always like that and there is nothing that they can have done. Many would question the framing, the premise itself — remember that is the beginning of the process of discredit where your identity,judgement, analysis,questioning, comments, experience is questioned — once the question mark is put, the process of disinformation will rapidly scale and trip in their favour without you even realising what exactly happened to the question you raised once, you are left defending the countless lies instead of questions and that is the way they make you victim of you of your own choices, they make you question your choices. Also, they don’t need any extra effort because, to begin with, the foundation platform itself is weak, because you did not learn anything in school because what the school taught you/made you was a memorizing creature with a lot of rot learning that has no place in the dynamic reality and the changing times. The school gave you packaged food but never told you how can you make your food when this packet finishes. In a way, they gave you products and services but not the tools to make one for yourself, or never taught you the alternatives of those things. So, once those attacks come in reality, you don’t have the required tools to counter and soon you are dead or out of the system itself which you were trying to change. This is how the system works — it peels off those who think they can change the system. Because, it is rotten, static, too complex, an unknown amount of factors causing countless unintended consequences and overall, there is no final and timely solution or replacement in place for the near term future. Another malaise of this broken system is that, required rewards or honest appraisal is not in place which leads to a lot of discontentment among the hones wheels of the system who toil hard to make this system run smoothly — they voluntarily opt out of the system and many times from this planet itself, also many try to migrate to another system where they will find reward for their efforts. Authenticity is also lost because the regulation doesn’t work, it has been gamed by wheels who have something to contribute to the regulation. So, everything is quite interrelated even though it may not seem so at first glance.

The journey we are talking about is often a journey of an individual(it may not seem so), the difficult one is one of the internal self which nobody can understand. To console ourselves of all the pain and hardships that we endure in this life as an individual and as a collective, we make things up — such as making movies, travelling, music, creating jokes, satire, writing and many other mundane things that have no practical, quantifiable value in the currency that generally people consider a physical thing which works.

